Man from Prague invents unique wind-powered pump
His pump is able to bring water to the areas where some water drills or wells exist, but they are not used and water inside may be contaminated. His pump cleans the water first mechanically and then chemically, using chlorine that evaporates in 30 minutes. After the cleaning, a lock with a wind rose is fixed on the top.
The pump operates with the wind power of at least two metres/second.
LN writes that Floris’s pumps are widely used by farmers both in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia.
It has been installed, for instance, in the steppe in Milovice, central Bohemia, where a nature reserve of wild horses was established last year. In the first months, water had to be transported there. After the Floris pump was installed, care of the horses became easier and less costly. Another pump will soon be installed in the prison in Jirice, central Bohemia, to water its large fruit and vegetable garden.
There is also a high interest in the wind-powered manual pumps abroad. Three pumps, funded by the Czech government, operate in poor settlements in Ghana, whose inhabitants had no clean drinking water. Another 19 Floris pumps have been sent to Mongolia. At present Floris is tuning up details of a contract with India.
So far, Floris has made the pumps himself with the aid of his family. However, he wants to keep the pump’s price low to make it broadly available. This is why he would like the production programme to be bought abroad to get the pumps to the regular retail network.
The paper writes that Floris is still trying to innovate his pump. At present, he is working on the connection of a propeller with a generator to be able to produce additional electric power for further use.